Curly Jo

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Busy busy busy

Its been a really great week, we've been having lots of adventures and "firsts". Evie had her first shopping trip with Mummy and the Other Jo, her first feed and change in Debenhams, her first trip to the Post-Natal group for Mummies and their babies, followed by her first feed and change in Coneelys Coffee Shop...she's had lots of fun and I really enjoyed getting out and meeting new people...thank you Jo for fitting us and the pram in your car!

She's now a whopping 8lb, that means she's put on 13oz in 9 days...when you think that the normal amount is an ounce a day thats pretty good!! Must be the super-sonic milk on tap. Either that or Daddy really has been sneaking in the odd muffin.

Seeing the lovely Hannah Barnes tommorrow which will be great, then we've got an appointment with our financial advisor about buying this house we've made an offer on...we're nearly there, but not quite got the papers yet!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

What I have been doing...

...generally my day goes like this: Feed and change Evie, get ready myself (this can take anything from 10 mins to an hour, depending on whether Evie is asleep or crying), come downstairs and eat breakfast, feed and burp Evie, try and do the washing up and put a load in the washing machine (again can take anything from 10 mins to...all day!...depending on whether Evie is asleep, or happy to not be cuddled), change Evie, do some ironing/or hoovering/ or general tidying up of bottles/muslins/towels/baby clothes, feed and burp Evie, have lunch, go for a walk round the park, feed and burp, make dinner, eat dinner, bath Evie, feed and burp, wait for Steve to come home so he can take over!, catch up with Stevie, have a bath, feed and burp, go to bed. Doesn't sound like much but that takes all day. And I love it!!! I really really do. She is such a joy to take care of.

So today was a bit different cos its the weekend and they are great cos Daddy is home and we can go out in the car for fun trips. Went to Whitstable today and Steve had a couple of hours of samba music training while Mummy and Evie went to the coffee shop ALL BY THEMSELVES for the very first time, believe me it was a celebratory moment. Evie charmed half the customers with her big eyes and little baby burpies. "oh he's so lovely!" "thank you, yes, she is" "such a perfect little face! how old is he?" "she's 4 weeks" "he's very good isn't he?" "yeah She is, we're smitten with Her" "we've got a little Grandson, he's a lot bigger than he is though" "yeah, She's tiny" "is he a boy or a girl?" "Girl." True story. And he was wearing pink.

Steve and I are very excited about a house we viewed today...will keep you posted on the Kreegers move take 2.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


I really love Steve
He's the best husband ever. he changes all the poo-y nappies and everything. he's so great.
I love him.

by Jo

Home Sweet Home

Its good to be back. Was starting to go a bit crazy being cooped up in hospital. Evie seems to be doing better, is definately looking a bit chubbier to us, which is a good sign. Thanks to everyone for all your good wishes and prayers.

She's so precious, we must spend hours and hours each day just watching her, her facial expressions are so funny! And when she's sleeping she looks so peaceful and we never get bored of staring at her, its so amazing. I still can't believe that she's all ours, forever and ever. I really can't understand how something so perfect and beautiful was put together in just 9 months and is with us in the world now, just makes me think of how cool God is.

Gonna get ready for bed now before her midnight feed then hopefully catch some zzz's before the 3am one!