Curly Jo

Thursday, March 30, 2006

A windy day....

Must've been the fanjitas. No, its really really windy outside and has been for like three days. I really don't like windy days, makes me not want to go out, and if I stay in I feel cooped up. Grrr.

All this wind has made me even more excited about going to Tunisia in 17 days! It's been quite a stressful week in many different ways and I feel like I will benefit from a proper break from it all, and of course a bit of sun wouldn't do any harm...unless we forget to take suncream like we did on honeymoon. In which case the sun would do a lot of harm.

Note to Steve: If you break into my blog and change the word fajitas into anything else I'll hide your i-pod.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Oh my Gah...

Second post of the day! Hey when I get back into blogging I get back into it proper like. Plus I feel I need to make up for the lack of Jo and Sam blogging (which if it's true guys will be a great shame. But actually, who the heck am I to talk when I haven't blogged for aaaages?!)

Watched a funny thing about Jessica Simpson this afternoon, hence the title. Bless her.

Have had a bit of an epifany (I really don't think that's how you spell it) just now about my needing to open up to people more. Have decided to get meself regularly discipled, shock horror I haven't really been talking to anyone in that sort of context for a while. I don't wanna have one special person, cos all my friends are so special to me, so have just decided in my heart that I will take time to talk about me sometimes rather than distracting from myself by asking a thousand questions.

Sorry for gush of emotion, I had a glass of red after D:Caff.

See, accountabilty and everything!

a very feminine blog update....

G'mornin folks, especially to Rich, Jo, and Mary who have inspired me to write this as they all left comments before I'd even started. Most of all though, ta very much and I'll make you a cup of tea, to Steve who created this pink fluttery paradise, with lots of pictures of....Meeee! That's cos he loves looking pictures of me, not cos I do, that would be vain. Cue comment from Sam re: how many pictures we have of ourselves in our flat. Shuddup.

Do you like my butterflies? I want to give them each a name...any ideas?

Well what shall I tell you about, what's been going on in my life, what would you like to know? Mary wanted something girly, hmmm. Ok, Mary this is for you...

...I've been part of a team of girls who've been planning a "Girly Day" for the summer. The vision for it has been to empower and inspire young laydees to live out their dreams and go for what God's calling them to be. All very exciting. We've been having planning meetings every fortnight, all of which have been extremley girly, extremely funny, and extremley...well, girly.

When coming up with tags for the advertising campaign, we were talking through various slogans for the posters, mulling around doing something with a Bible verse, having just one word etc. One of the girls suddenly burst into fits of giggles, and said that she'd spoken to another girl who'd come up with this slogan...


Jesus Loves You


You can't get anymore girly than that.