Curly Jo

Friday, April 27, 2007

Vouge, Vouge, Vouge

How time flies, apologies for the distinct lack of blogging over the past month, I haven't even thought of getting near a computer in the midst of countless mother and baby groups, moving house, planning husbands birthdays, and of course my strict beauty regime which consumes 5 hrs of every day. Now you know my secret.

I took Evie to our first Baby Massage Class this afternoon, complete with relaxing baby classical whale singing, I kid thee not. It was fantastic! Oils and everything. We both loved it and it worked because she promptly filled two nappies with her very own version of peanut butter and slept soundly for the rest of the afternoon. Who's a clever girl.

We then met Daddy and went for an ice-cream and a stroll along the beach...which Mummy accidently on purpose turned into a stroll past the shops and low and behold we saw that the local photography studio is holding a baby competition! What a surprise! Daddy needed absolutely NO persuasion and we're all going along next week for our "studio session". What a classic proud parents stunt. But just look at that little face, who could resist?!


At 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool stuff! Ryan wee all over me at his first massage! Can't wait to see your new house!Madri

At 3:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photos. Not so keen on the peanut butter story - glad you not me. I expect to hear Evie won the competition. I so wish I was closer! I am a Mum again too - kitten adopted me on Anzac day. I have named her Lani and advertised her but if no one claims her she is joining our family. Rascal not as impressed with her as I am (yet). Bye for now. Love Aunty Mary. PS Steve's birthday sounds like a great success - clever you.

At 6:09 PM, Blogger Emma said...

She is SO cute! Gutted I missed seeing her (oh, and of course both of
you, hehe) at Steve's party - we MUST all get together soon x


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