Curly Jo

Saturday, December 30, 2006

I am a sparrow... I haven't taken to mud baths by the side of the road or eating bread crumbs off the pavement, but I have taken to nesting sparrow/hamster style. Its great, I love having a tidy house and knowing that the fridge is clean and the medicine cupboard organised. I know, I know...don't get used to it...but its nice for now. There's only 2 weeks 2 days until Special K is scheduled to make his/her it could be any time now before (or after) Jan 15th, we're very excited!

Its been a really lovely couple of days, had a cool time round Jo's for Christmas with Friends (lovin the photos Jo!) she made a great stew and let us take home the leftovers which were still just as delish last night. We were given a beautiful Moses basket, baby sleeping bag and cosy towel from everyone...thanks so much guys and gals! In true hamster style I have washed them so they smell yummy for baby and when they are dry I will indeed be ironing them. Yes, yes, baby may well be sick all over them on the first night but a Mother Hen has to do her laundry!

I must respond to Steve's comment to the last blog entry, I did indeed receive some wonderful gifts from him for Christmas...thanks babe. He spoilt me with a cosy red dressing gown, 2 sets of PJ's, 2 DVDs, a red duvet set, and 2 big red cushions...he knows I love red. I'm a lucky lady.

Right, I've got to move the washing round the raditors and prepare some meals to freeze for when we can't be bothered to cook...chirp chirp.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Tis the season to be jolly...

Hope you all had a great Christmas, ours has been really lovely, I suppose as its Boxing Day today Christmas is not really over yet so there's more fun and games to come. On Christmas Eve we went to Mum and Dad's church then round theirs for the day, it felt just like Christmas Day! We even had a full on Christmas dinner complete with cracker jokes and silly hats. In the evening we hopped in the car and up the motorway to Steve's family in Barking, we're staying here till tomorrow. Lots of people and games and cups of tea, its great.

Baby was thoroughly spoilt over Christmas (and not just by Mummy eating lots of chocolate and mince pies) Nana had made baby a big hamper over the past 9 months with all sorts of wonderful things and childhood toys that bought memories back of my childhood. I'm really looking forward to sorting out Baby's Room over the next week and finding places for all this neat stuff.

I got the Yummy Mummy's Survival Guide from Rach -which I've been poring over cos I want to be prepared to be Yummy if baby arrives early! Another great gift was The Sound of Music dvd from Steve's parents...complete with songbook! I'll be belting those tunes out at the top of my voice, I love that film!

Ok gonna leave it there, if I don't blog for another 6 weeks it'll be cos Special K has arrived and I have no spare time!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I'm Back!...

Haven't blogged for a while, see Steve's comment of the day for why. Thanks everyone for your comments, I feel special!

Its been a busy little time lately. I've really enjoyed training Katy in the office, Christmas is fast approaching, and we've been putting up furniture and staining chests of drawers for Special K. I am now in my last week of work with only 3 days left till I go on maternity leave, seems really strange but I'm sure I'll get used to the time off...then will hopefully be rested and ready for the most hectic but happy time of our lives. It was sad leaving D:Caff, they were very sweet and gave me cards and chocolate and flowers and made a banner, its Tuesday evening now and it does feel strange being at home rather than at the youth club.

This is a picture the Kreeger family in Gingerbread form. We have just finished eating them. Steve ate the baby I couldn't do it...don't know what that says about him.