Curly Jo

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I'm Back!...

Haven't blogged for a while, see Steve's comment of the day for why. Thanks everyone for your comments, I feel special!

Its been a busy little time lately. I've really enjoyed training Katy in the office, Christmas is fast approaching, and we've been putting up furniture and staining chests of drawers for Special K. I am now in my last week of work with only 3 days left till I go on maternity leave, seems really strange but I'm sure I'll get used to the time off...then will hopefully be rested and ready for the most hectic but happy time of our lives. It was sad leaving D:Caff, they were very sweet and gave me cards and chocolate and flowers and made a banner, its Tuesday evening now and it does feel strange being at home rather than at the youth club.

This is a picture the Kreeger family in Gingerbread form. We have just finished eating them. Steve ate the baby I couldn't do it...don't know what that says about him.


At 6:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think it just means he was hungry!! Did you make them? They are pretty cute! See you soon other Jo xx

At 5:38 PM, Blogger curlyjo said...

Yes I did make them, I'm practising doing Mummy things. I'm just off to Iceland now.


At 7:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Iceland!! It's chav food shopping at it's best, you can buy so much for a tenner!!


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