Life on the Wight Isle...
Contrary to my previous thoughts of not being able to blog this week I have discovered that the Residebtial Centre has wireless, modern technology amazes me!
Today's Thursday, we left H/Bay last Friday night and the time has really flown by. We've been really busy, Steve especially, I've been trying to be good and not do too much which I find really hard. The Rock School res is going brilliantly, the young people have been having loads of fun and its been really cool to hear the music they've been making and seeing them perform. I hope baby doesn't mind the loudness! S/he seems to have been getting into the groove and moshing along, so that's a positve sign.
Got some wicked photos of the Rock Stars fancy dress cabaret which happened last night. Steve and I did our usual get-up of Indian Man from the Village People and frizzy haired woman who kind of looks like a rosk star with the help of heavy make up. The cable for the digital camera is currently missing...hopefully it will be returned soon! Then I can post up some pics.
Ok, gonna go to bed now and hope that this feeling of a cold coming on goes away in the night.